Compared with the unregulated spacer throttle plate, the maximum bending deformation of the throttle valve is reduced when the valve is opened, and the valve opening pressure and speed are lowered. In order to open the valve at the same speed, when adjusting the gasket inside the throttle plate, the thickness of the designed single-piece throttle plate should be greater than the design thickness h when the original gasket is not adjusted; on the contrary, it should be smaller than the original adjustment pad. The design thickness h of the film.
It can be seen from the above formula that the maximum amount of bending deformation of the valve piece when the valve is opened is related to the thickness h of the adjusting pad. When the thickness of the adjusting gasket is increased, the amount of deformation of the valve opening of the throttle valve is reduced, and the valve opening pressure and speed are decreased; otherwise, the valve opening pressure and speed are increased.
It can be ensured that the bending deformation of the superimposed throttle plate is the same as that of the single-piece throttle valve when the equivalent thickness of the superimposed valve plate is equal to the design thickness of the single-piece valve plate, which is equal to the design thickness h of the single-piece valve plate, so as to realize synchronous valve opening.
Adjusting the effect of the gasket on the valve opening speed The effect of adjusting the gasket on the valve opening speed of the oil and gas spring is related to the orientation and thickness of the adjusting gasket relative to the throttle plate. When the adjusting washer is inside the throttle plate, the valve opening speed of the oil and gas spring will decrease; when the adjusting washer is outside the throttle plate, the valve opening speed of the oil and gas spring will increase. The valve opening speed change value is related to the thickness of the adjusting valve plate. When the thickness of the adjusting valve plate is increased, the pressure change value will increase; otherwise, the pressure change value will decrease.
The rate of change of the valve opening speed caused by the adjusting washer is GV=hah0 (8). When the adjusting washer ha is inside the throttle plate, the valve opening speed reduction amount $VK is proportional to the adjusting washer thickness ha. When the adjustment pad ha is outside the throttle plate, the valve opening speed increase amount $VK is proportional to the adjustment pad thickness ha.
Adjust the thickness of the gasket ha in the range of 00.8mm. When the thickness of the adjusting gasket is different, the rate of change of the valve opening speed, the speed change and the valve opening speed are shown. The rate of change of the valve opening speed is adjusted with the adjusting pad. The sheet thickness variation curves are shown separately.
Conclusion Through the analysis and test of the influence of the adjusting gasket on the characteristics of the oil and gas spring, it can be known that for the oil-oil spring throttle valve, when the stress of the single-piece valve plate exceeds the allowable stress.
The multi-piece superimposed valve piece is split and designed according to the equivalent relationship of deformation such as the same pressure, and the valve opening speed can be reduced by adjusting the gasket. When the thickness of the adjusting gasket is equal to the difference between the sum of the thicknesses of the stacked valve sheets and the equivalent thickness, simultaneous valve opening at the same equivalent thickness can be achieved.
If the multi-piece superimposed throttle valve is not provided with the adjusting washer, in order to realize the synchronous opening of the valve with the original design single-thickness throttle valve, the superimposed valve plate can only be designed according to the synchronous valve opening equivalent relationship. Therefore, at this time, the equivalent thickness of the superimposed valve plate is smaller than the design thickness of the single-piece valve plate, which inevitably makes the damping force after the valve opening of the oil-gas spring is smaller than the damping force of the original monolithic valve oil-gas spring, that is, n-piece superposition In the case of the valve without the adjusting gasket, in order to ensure the synchronous opening of the valve is to reduce the equivalent thickness of the superimposed throttle plate.
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