7 points of precautions for pesticide storage

There are not many opportunities to apply pesticides in winter, or they basically stop. Some farmers have not used up the pesticides, so how to properly preserve the pesticides, avoid the failure of pesticide volatilization and human and animal poisoning accidents?

1. Before storing the remaining pesticides, carefully read the instruction manual and take the buried pesticides into deep burial. Do not throw them away.

2. Preserve the label and instruction manual of the pesticide, and replace the damaged bottle and bag in time. The wettable powder pesticide should be sealed to prevent the agglomeration after the moisture absorption. For pesticides whose labels have been lost or blurred, the name, usage, dosage, expiration date, and scope of use must be rewritten on paper and attached to the bottle or bag for proper use.

3, pay attention to the implementation of the seal. Some pesticides such as dichlorvos, dimethoate, and octyl sulfate are volatile and cause air pollution. When storing, the cap must be tightened to seal.

4, pay attention to maintain the temperature. Most powder pesticides are susceptible to quality at elevated temperatures. The higher the temperature, the easier the pesticide will melt, decompose, volatilize, and even burn and explode. Some emulsion pesticides are easy to destroy their emulsifying properties and reduce the efficacy after encountering high temperature. Some bottled liquid pesticides tend to freeze when they encounter low temperature, form a block, or freeze the bottle, and should be kept in the storage of such pesticides. The indoor temperature is above 1 °C. In addition, octyl sulfate pesticides are afraid of light, and long-term exposure to light can cause decomposition and deterioration of pesticides. Avoid high temperature and sun exposure during storage.

5, should pay attention to keep dry. Powder pesticides and plant conditioners are easy to absorb moisture and agglomerate. Therefore, the place where the pesticides are stored and stored should be kept dry to prevent rain and snow. Also leave a window for ventilation and keep the humidity below 75%.

6, should pay attention to the classification and storage. Pesticides are classified as alkaline, acidic and neutral. Alkaline pesticides include enemy scorpion, stone sulphur mixture, Bordeaux mixture, etc.; acidic pesticides include dichlorvos, ergo, deltamethrin, etc.; neutral pesticides include kewensan. These three different pesticides should be stored separately during storage and storage, and the distance should be kept above 0.5 meters. Otherwise, the pesticides will affect each other and cause deterioration. In addition, the two kinds of pesticides that cannot be used can not be mixed in one bottle to avoid failure.

7, should pay attention to prevent accidents. All pesticides have different degrees of toxicity. In storage, it is best to put them in a counter or wooden box and lock them outside. Pesticides should not be stored in the same room as grains, oils, beans, seeds and vegetables; emulsifiables and fumigants should not be placed together with flammable or explosive materials such as matches, oil, firecrackers, etc., and should not be stored in the vicinity of people, livestock and poultry. In particular, prevent children from getting in touch. In order to avoid accidents.
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