Plastic mold accessories production of raw materials introduced

Stabilizer In order to prevent the synthetic resin from being decomposed and destroyed by light and heat during processing and use, and to prolong its service life, plastic mold parts should be added with stabilizers in the plastic. Stearate and epoxy resins are commonly used.
The colorant of the plastic mold accessory can make the plastic have various bright and beautiful colors. Common organic dyes and inorganic pigments are used as colorants.
The role of the lubricant lubricant is to prevent the plastic from sticking to the metal mold during molding and at the same time make the plastic surface smooth and beautiful. Commonly used lubricants are stearic acid and its calcium and magnesium salts. In addition to the above additives, flame retardants, foaming agents, antistatic agents, etc. may be added to the plastic.
However, a large number of SMEs with a large number of mold Accessories not only need to debut on such occasions as the exhibition, but also need to complement each other to form an aggregation effect and an industrial scale.
The mold parts will be set up to create a mold machinery direct sales center in Foshan, enabling small and medium-sized mold enterprises to achieve rapid development of precision mold parts. Precision mold parts are professional mold manufacturing towns in Guangdong Province. Precision molds are one of the key supporting development industrial clusters in Foshan City. Its industrial status refers directly to the South China mold industry base, and its production target is to reach RMB 10 billion in 2015.
In the process of dissemination of the "precision mold" brand, the "Guangdong Foshan Mold Manufacturing Machinery Exhibition" was held in succession. The exhibition expanded the scope of peer-to-peer exchanges and enabled merchants to see the government’s determination and effectiveness in building a strong industry. It also provided local SMEs with a platform for exhibitions. Article to /display.asp?id=785


Guangzhou Jointair Co., Ltd. ,