In recent years, with the increase of the cost of ploughing, the majority of farmers' friends are more resistant to rice no-tillage direct cultivation. This technique is suitable for early rice live broadcast and one season rice live broadcast. It is after any harvest of the last season crop without any tillage. In rice fields, we use herbicides to eliminate weeds and granulated seedlings, soak up the rice piles, and pour deep water into the fields. After the water layer is naturally dried and applied, the rice seeds that have been germinated and whitened are directly sown to Daejeon. A rice cultivation technique that grows. It has the advantages of no ploughing, saving land, saving labor, simple and easy, high labor productivity, ecological balance protection, high productivity and high efficiency.
Compared with the conventional direct seeding rice, since the no-tillage field is softer than the ploughing field during sowing, the no-tillage direct seeding rice is rooted and the needle is more than 1 to 2 days later, but its root system is more and stronger, and it absorbs water. Fertility is strong and growth is accelerated, so there is no significant difference between the two stages of growth. Applying this technology mainly focuses on the following key links:
1. Sowing time. The no-tillage direct seeding rice is shortened by 7 to 10 days compared with the transplanted rice. The sowing period can be arranged according to the local climate characteristics and variety characteristics. Early rice was planted before April 15 and in the single season in late rice before June 10.
2. Ensure full seedlings. It is recommended that the belt be called the field and the seedlings should be quantitatively sown. Generally, the high-quality conventional rice varieties should be 3.5 to 5 kg per mu and 1.5 to 2.0 kg of hybrid rice. Seeds should be germinated after sowing. Before sowing, you should irrigate the bubble board, wait for the water to dry naturally, and sown directly after the plate. When sowing, it is necessary to dredge the ring-shaped ditch and the ditch, so that there is no water in the field, otherwise it will cause rotten seeds or burn buds, resulting in lack of seedlings. Sowing to the seedling stage to keep the field moist, if the emergence is uneven, in the 5 to 6 leaf stage to carry out the transfer and replenishment to ensure the whole seedling.
3. Thoroughly weed. Reasonable killing and killing old grass before sowing is the first step to success in no-till live broadcast. It can be used to kill grass and weeding with quick-acting killing herbicide. The effect is better. When spraying, you should choose sunny day, 150 for each acre. ~200ml spray with water 40Kg, spray evenly. Before the seedlings were planted, 40% of the live or 30% of the fluoridated emulsifiable concentrate was used in the mu, and the surface was sprayed and sealed. After emergence to the three-leaf stage, depending on the grass conditions, you can use 38% live broadcast or use 10% benzalkonium 15-20g plus 50% chlorpyrifos emulsion 150~200ml combined with fertilized fertilizer and fertilizer, keep 3cm The left and right water layers are closed for 3 to 4 days. After the 3-leaf stage, if weeds such as valerian, striatum, and broad-leaved grass occur, the corresponding agents such as rice berry, bispyribyl ether and bentazone can be selected for control.
   4. eliminate rat bird damage. Uniform rodent control was carried out 5 to 7 days before sowing and at the booting stage. When planting, the imidacloprid series of pesticides can be used for seed dressing, which can prevent rodent damage and control rice seedlings in seedling stage. At the same time, it is recommended to plant the same ridges in the same period.
5. Prevent lodging. First of all, we must choose dwarf stalks and fertilizer-resistant varieties. In cultivation, we must carefully grasp the seedlings, prevent and cure the sheath blight, rice planthoppers and other pests and diseases, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and do not apply or apply less nitrogen fertilizer in the later period to prevent greed. Green lodging.
6. Scientific fertilizer. Base fertilizer, 25-30 kg of calcium phosphate per acre, 25 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, applied in the evening before planting; weaning fertilizer, applying 4 kg of urea and potassium chloride per mu in the 3 leaf stage, promoting early rapid growth; Strong manure fertilizer, 8-10 kg of urea per acre, 6 kg of potassium chloride or 15 kg of ternary compound fertilizer in the 6-leaf stage. When the number of planned seedlings is reached, the field control is carried out to reduce the ineffective tillering and increase the rate of ear formation, so that the effective ear of the acre is controlled at 22 to 250,000. Mid-term attack and grain increase. Before the stage of panicle differentiation, the field was finished, and the ear-differentiated fertilizer was applied on the basis of the light color of the leaves. When the main panicles were differentiated in the second to third stages, urea, potassium chloride and compound fertilizer were applied for 3 kg per acre. The number of panicles in no-tillage direct seeding is high, the density is large, and the fertilizer is not fertilized in the later stage. The field is kept moist, which makes the seedlings turn green during the heading period, enhance the resistance of plants to pests and diseases, and increase the seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight.
   7. Control pests and diseases. Pre-sowing seeds should be disinfected by pesticides to prevent seed-borne diseases. The number of no-tillage direct seedlings is high. In the cultivation, attention should be paid to controlling seedlings and controlling pests such as sheath blight and rice planthopper.
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